But figures commonly estimate about 5% of men actively crossdress, and crossdressing is such a wide spectrum that covers from those who may just wear a single item under male clothing, to those who fully present as a female. Just think that in a men's football match with those odds at least one of the players actively crossdresses.
Of course the percentage who harber secret crossdressing feelings is much higher, and I would claim that 50%+ of men have worn women's clothing at some point of their lives.
More reliable surveys of the crossdressing community claim that 70%+ of CDs are straight and the average 'practicing' crossdresser is statistically a Anglo-Saxon married male of around 40 years of age. Only approximately 20% of crossdressers feel they want to fully transition to a female, although there is an awful joke among the transsexual community,-'What is the difference between a Crossdresser and a Transsexual? About 2 years.' When examining the reasons behind crossdressing again there is a plethora of explanations, for some it is a sexual satisfaction, for some an emotional need, others a way to cope with the stresses of society and also for others it's an expression of inner femininity. Each CDer has their own reasons.
Yet some take dressing further and want to present as a female through clothes and makeup. My own theory and observations of this is that as a male I cannot be accepted in public in dresses and skirts, so it becomes important to pass as a woman so evade detection and derision. Therefore a persona is created, and it becomes important from a psychological and survival point of view to succeed as a female when stepping out of the closet.
Then the inner woman is born, but as this inner voice grows, denying this inner female leads to misery and depression.
There is no cure for crossdressing, crossdressing is a journey each individual must take with many paths, ultimately leading to an equilibrium and an understanding of yourself.
My only advise is not to fight it, but to see where it takes you.
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